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Exhibitions Images

TTLG: Life Through the Lens - The Paradox Community Centre, London


These images are the result of an Arts Council funded project that provides workshops to young people living in Waltham Forest. The workshops involve creating photographic interpretations from the participant’s own perspective, and they’re an opportunity for young people to discover and develop their creative skills in a safe space.


The creative workshops took place during June and July and they explored the participants’ identity through photography 


These images are part of a touring exhibition that will bring together the results of other workshops from the umbrella project: Through The Looking Glass: Life Behind the Knife. 


Headed by artist Emma Barnard MA (RCA) this project is endorsed and supported by experienced collaborators and advisors including Consultant Trauma Surgeon Mr Martin Griffiths who is National Clinical Director for Violence Reduction with NHSE. 


With special thanks to Doug Mohammed, Ellie Ward, Peabody London and Richard Allicock from Thru Life for their support.


This project is funded by:

Arts Council England:   

Waltham Forest Council: Make it Happen: Arts and Culture Grants

Peabody London 

NHS England: who funded the research for this work

Photos: Penny Dampier

GALLERY - Life Through the Lens Workshops #2

TTLG: Life Through the Lens - Project Zero, London


These images are the result of an Arts Council funded project that provides workshops to young people living in Waltham Forest. The workshops involve creating photographic interpretations from the participant’s own perspective, and they’re an opportunity for young people to discover and develop their creative skills in a safe space.


The four workshops took place during the Easter holidays, they explored identity through photography and text, one of the workshops was led by the artist Lemzi.


These images are part of a touring exhibition that will bring together the results of other workshops from the umbrella project: Through The Looking Glass: Life Behind the Knife. 


Headed by artist Emma Barnard MA (RCA) this project is endorsed and supported by experienced collaborators and advisors including Consultant Trauma Surgeon Mr Martin Griffiths who is National Clinical Director for Violence Reduction with NHSE. 


This project is funded by:

Arts Council England:   

Waltham Forest Council: Make it Happen: Arts and Culture Grants

NHS England: who funded the research for this work

Exhibition documentation: © Penny Dampier

GALLERY -Life Through the Lens Workshops #1

Patients as People


'From the woman who is ‘boiling over’, to the young man who has totally obliterated his own face, every photograph in this powerful exhibition stops us in our tracks with its raw communication of human emotion. “Some of the pictures show outward serenity - but the self-authored graffiti often tells another story. These photographs are a graphic reminder that every person’s health story is as unique and individual as they are and that every encounter with a health care professional is likely to be an unwelcome voyage into the unknown. This is essential viewing to reconnect us all to the core of our own humanity.' Justine Thompson Patient and Public Participation Lead Strategic Clinical Network and Senate (East of England).

GALLERY - Patient as People

Primum Non Nocere


'Primum Non Nocere' is a Latin phrase derived from the first precepts of bioethics and is taught as the fundamental principle in medical schools throughout the world. Emma Barnard's work was developed through collaborations with consultant surgeons and their patients offering an inside view of real life experience and observations whilst giving patients a visual voice through the touring exhibition 'Patients As People', and reflecting on some of the harsh realities people endure in their pursuit of “getting better”.


Emma Barnard's work expands on the air of mystery surrounding the surgeon’s practice. What goes on in the operating theatre is usually unknown to the patient, who must have trust in the theatrical performance, the surgeon's medical act. However, the surgeons, what kind of harm is being done to them by the immense pressure they are under? The show includes thought provoking materials as well as insights into the surgeon and patient dynamic and theories of “projection” (the unconscious transfer of one's desires or emotions to another person) e.g. the patient viewing the surgeon as a miracle worker. Part of the work is based on the philosopher Michel Foucault's’ notion of the ‘medical gaze’ that denotes the dehumanizing medical separation of the patient's body from the patient's person (identity). Staged photographic and moving image tableaus are set to form a dialog, including artifacts such as biomedical and patient notes & surgical theatre drawings.

GALLERY - Primum Non Nocere -Berlin

Primum Non Nocere - Berlin

Primum Non Nocere - Cambridge University