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Through my photography, I engage in social commentary, shedding light on pressing issues prevalent in the communities and places I encounter. I utilise my photographs as a powerful platform to advocate for social justice, while also aiming to amplify the voices of those marginalised and considered 'unworthy' within society – including the impoverished, the elderly, and anyone deemed 'other'. My work is driven by a deep commitment to creating visibility for these individuals and promoting equity. Facilitating and capturing depictions of their humanity lies at the core of my artistic practice and my personal stance as an artist.

I have collaborated extensively with ENT (head and neck) consultant surgeons and their patients, using visual means to explore the patient experience and the dynamics between doctors and patients. The resulting artwork is currently exhibited widely in galleries, universities, and hospitals across the UK and internationally, including a solo exhibition titled "Primum Non Nocere" in Berlin. I also present my work at conferences in the medical and medical humanities fields, such as UCL, Kings College, and Cambridge University for CRASSH.

Drawing from my experiences in medicine, I am actively involved in medical education initiatives. At Kings Medical School, Kings Dental Institute and the Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Surrey University I have worked alongside medical educators on pilot projects and workshops that incorporate creative thinking into the medical and dental curriculum. I have collaborated with Craniofacial and Stem Cell researchers at Kings College on a project titled "A Dry and Silent World: Living with Hidden Disabilities." More recently, I have been commissioned as the visual arts lead on the AHRC funded Culture Box Study, led by Professor Victoria Tischler at Surrey University.

I have contributed to the field of bioethics as a member of the Arts and Ethics Subcommittee at the World Congress in Bioethics 2016. I am also a member of the Arts and Ethics Research Group (AERG) - CT1 Approaches to Understanding Patient Experiences and Medical Texts - at the Mason Institute, University of Edinburgh.


I'm a mentor and coach for organisations such as Arts Emergency and private clients. 

In recognition of my artistic achievements, I was honored with the Highly Commended Professional Artist Award 2022 by the Visual Artist Association.


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